Coronavirus Update 19/03/2020

Limited Pool Access

Following a review of the current situation including latest guidance from Swim England the committee has agreed to allow limited access to pool time for swimmers in Fast Track and Performance only. We are limiting it to these two squads as they comprise the older and more experienced swimmers who are able to get on with sets on their own. These sessions will in all likelihood not be coached but we will try to make a selection of sets available via the website or email. This is with immediate effect so if these squad members wish to train tonight at the usual time that is fine. This will continue until further notice or until the leisure centre closes.

Having run the numbers, the incremental risk imposed is negligible with respect to the baseline. The numbers of swimmers present will be small, and the training takes place in chlorinated water. If we follow the guidelines previously emailed then will also help to reduce the risk further. As a reminder these are:

  • Please shower before and after training.
  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Avoid touching your face (as much as possible).
  • No squirting each other with water bottles.
  • If you have a cough or a fever, please follow current government advice and stay at home for at least 7 days.
  • If you become symptomatic within 7 days of having been to training, please inform the Club Welfare Officer in confidence.

Even so, please note that the decision to attend a session is your decision and is taken at your own risk.

We will keep our pool bookings going and therefore offer these sessions for as long as the leisure centre remains open. If you do attend a session please remember that you are still representing the club and that you should be on your best behaviour and follow instructions from the lifeguards and leisure centre management. The leisure centre have been informed that there may be a few Satellites swimmers turning up for sessions.

Supporting our Members

If you are not in Fast Track or Performance do not worry, Satellites will do our best to support you too. Although we cannot offer pool time for the younger squads we will be looking at publishing some dry land based exercises that you can all do from the comfort of your own home.

It will be important to keep active during these difficult times. Not only is it good for you physically but it is very important for your mental health. Parents and swimmers will all be under a lot of pressure, even if subconsciously, as swimming will be a huge part of your lives and has just been taken away from you. Going from swimming 30km+ a week to nothing is tough. Exercise is a great relief from stress – got to love that endorphin rush from a hard set! So please do get out for a run, drag your parents along too if you want a laugh or a bike ride or even just do some body weight exercises. You should all be able to out-plank your families!

Do not worry, this time will pass and the club will still be here when this crisis is over. Your fitness levels will soon return – yes there will have to be a lot of aerobic sets though, I’m sorry (not sorry). In the meantime, please stay in touch with each other via electronic means as swimming is very much a social sport. Also feel free to reach out to the coaching team and committee via social media or email.

Stay safe and be mindful of yourselves and each other.

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